Why youth yoga?
Yoga has numerous benefits, especially for young children. Our youth yoga curriculum is designed to:
Improve focus concentration and listening skills
Improve posture, motor skills, and balance
Manage stress through breathing and healthy movements
Allow children to express their creativity in a non-competitive environment and increases confidence
Improve flexibility and strength
According to the Wall Street Journal: “Yoga improved students’ behavior, physical health, and academic performance, as well as, attitudes towards themselves”
There is no such thing as an under-stimulated child anymore. Yoga provides children with a chance to turn off and tune out. They are given time to engage in a non-competitive physical activity that also allows time for quiet reflection. Read more about youth yoga here.
How we move.
Although the curriculum varies by age/stage, the general flow is:
Welcome and warming up our bodies
Instructor-led yoga-inspired games
Instructor-led story and movement activity (literacy component)
Cool-down stretch
Meditation and mindfulness exercise
The three pillars of the program are fitness, focus, and fun and we strive to achieve all three of these each and every class!!
Itty Bitty Yogis classes take place at preschools, childcare centers, and community centers. We also offer IBY Yoga and Mindfulness for Elementary and Middle School students and BEE University mindfulness programs for tweens and teens. . Click here to learn about our current programs.